Tattoo Goo Aftercare Products
Tattoo Goo Aftercare Products.
tattoo is one of the most dynamic symbols of self expression ever created and it’s important to rely on the expert guidance of your artist for the proper aftercare of your life-long treasure.
You were tattooed in a modern studio with sterilized instruments and pigments and, after the process, the artist may have dressed the tattoo with a small amount of Tattoo Goo. The long life of your tattoo depends upon the care you give it during the critical first few days and weeks.
Quality parlor operators worldwide have helped compile these simple directions for quick healing. However, we urge you to consult your own tattoo artist for any special instructions related to the aftercare of your specific tattoo. * Do not re-bandage the tattoo. * Do not apply Vaseline, lanolin or petroleum based products. * Do not apply alcohol. * Do not rub, scratch or pick at the tattoo. * Do not expose the tattoo to direct sunlight, swim or soak in sauna, steam bath or bathtub for two weeks. * Be sure clothing touching your tattoo is clean and soft.
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