Synthetic Opals | Painful Pleasures Community

Synthetic Opals

Learn about the opals that are in a wide variety of Painful Pleasures jewelry.

by PainfulPleasures Last Updated: May 14, 2021

Painful Pleasures sells a variety of jewelry with opals. You can buy the opals loose or as part of a jewelry set. The opals are generally a synthetic opal, made in Japan, and made up of the following:

  • Synthetic Stabilized Opal
  • Elements: 80% SiO2.nH2O + 20% 
  • ResinHardness (Mohs): 4-5
  • Specific Gravity: 1.80-1.90
  • Heat Resistance: 130ºC
  • Rough Opal Thickness: 14-18mm

You can see the Opal Jewelry Selection in our Retail Store (any size order), Wholesale Store ($100+), or Distributor Store ($500+)

We offer the following opal options (Please Note: Some listings may not have all these opal options, refer to individual product descriptions & drop-downs for options available for each product):

Opal Color Chart


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