Ear Jewelry for All Sized Lobes | Painful Pleasures Community

Ear Jewelry for All Sized Lobes

Whether you have standard-sized earlobe piercings or stretched ears, we have the perfect ear jewelry for you! Peruse the many combinations of style, material and size options we offer, ranging from French hook earrings and studs for standard earlobe piercings to large gauge earrings for slightly stretched lobes to awesome plugs and tunnels for stretched lobes upwards of size 0g. Whatever type of ear jewelry your heart desires is here... and if you don't know what you want, we have ideas for you!

by Emily Starkman Last Updated: April 5, 2022

Custom Limitless Plugs: Create Custom Plugs With Your Art!One size fits all might work for sundresses and hats, but not for ear jewelry. These days, standard-sized pierced ears are getting edged towards being the minority, and stretched ears come in a wide range of sizes. What are those sizes and what types of ear jewelry works best in each? Let’s start at the bottom and work our way up — size-wise, that is.

Standard Earrings

The standard size for ear piercings is 18g to 20g. Although it’s less typical, standard ear piercings may even be done at 22g. These sizes all typically require ear jewelry with fine posts, earrings with French hook, or studs with short posts.

We offer a large selection of fine-gauge earrings for standard-sized pierced ears, including French hook earrings, studscircular barbells, captive bead rings, handmade earrings in unique designs, like our Unbreakable earrings, and other gorgeous styles of earrings. Below is a representative image from each of our main earring categories; for every one earring image shown, we have hundreds more in that style so you can find the perfect earrings for every outfit!

Bali Earrings: French Hook Indonesian Earrings Bali Earrings

Hoop Earrings Hoop Earrings

French Hook Earrings With Feathers French Hook Earrings

Captive Earrings Captive Earrings

Unbreakable Custom Earrings Unbreakable Custom Earrings

Organic Earrings Organic Earrings

Twister Earrings and Spiral Earrings Twister Earrings

Labret Studs for Ear Piercings Labret Studs

Circular Barbells and Horseshoe Barbells Circular Barbells

Large Gauge EarringsBaby Birds Mother of Pearl Large Gauge Earrings

When you get your earlobes pierced in a tattoo and piercing shop, you’re more likely to start out with ear piercings in a size somewhere between 12g and 18g. If desired, you can choose to go larger and get pierced at a heavier gauge, too.

Whether you start at a larger gauge or stretch to it, there are some really cool large gauge earrings available for you to wear when you get to size 12g and larger. Some, like the beautiful hand-carved Baby Birds Mother of Pearl Large Gauge Earrings shown to the right, are also available in sizes smaller than 12g. (The Baby Birds large gauge earrings are available in 18g, too, but they’re handmade, so the sizes aren’t as precise as with precision-machined earrings. If a standard 18g post fits snugly in your ear, 18g hand-carved organic earrings made of any material might be a tight fit or require a little stretching to wear.)

We offer organic wood, bone, horn, and Mother of Pearl ear hangers, spirals made of glass and other natural materials, custom Unbreakable earrings in large gauges, ear weights, stainless steel and titanium precision-machined jewelry, like captive rings and circular barbells, and other large gauge earrings from which to choose. Many designs are available in sizes as large as 00g.

Unbreakable Heart Earrings for Large Gauge Ear Piercings Unbreakable Earrings

Handmade Wood Large Gauge Earrings Wood Ear Hangers

Horn Large Gauge Earrings Horn Ear Hangers

Ear Weights Bone Ear Hangers

Glass Spiral Large Gauge Earrings Large Gauge Glass Spirals

Circular Barbells

Transliquid Large Gauge Earrings Transliquid Earrings

Dangle Large Gauge Earrings Large Gauge Earrings

Large Gauge Captive Bead Rings Captive Bead Rings

Plugs & TunnelsHeart Stone Plugs for Stretched Ears

Plugs and tunnels are typically the ideal jewelry for stretched ears in larger sizes. As you get into the 10g to 4g range, one hot look involves wearing tunnels with ear hangers, captive bead rings, or other earrings placed through them. Our little stone heart plugs, like the small amethyst one to the right, are another favorite in that size range.

When it comes to the most popular plugs and tunnels in even larger gauges, our Limitless custom plugs are at the top of the list. They allow you to put your art on plugs sizes 0g up to 2″. Choose from laser-etched wood and steel or resin-covered color graphics set in in black acrylic or steel tunnels. With the laser-etched Limitless plugs, the simpler the design, the crisper and deeper the lines will be. The resin-covered graphic images can be as detailed as desired. Whether your image is a cartoon or a photograph, your custom plugs will come out vibrant and eye-catching every time. These plugs make incredible, personal gifts for friends with stretched lobes, too!

Our Plugs & Tunnels section also features Gorilla Glass plugs and tunnels, super-comfortable, flexible silicone tunnels and silicone plugs, acrylic plugs in a variety of designs, and some stunning organic plugs and tunnels made from wood, bone, stone, a variety of metals, and other natural materials. Take our Synthesis line for example; it fuses two materials pulled straight from nature, including steel and bone, gold and steel, and other unique combinations. Explore our full collection of plugs and tunnels or shop by category by clicking any of the links below.

Synthesis Plugs Fuse Natural Materials Like Steel and Bone into Stunning Designs Synthesis Plugs

Negative Space Art Plugs Negative Space Plugs

Glass Plugs Glass Plugs & Tunnels

Woodwear: Wood Plugs and Wood Plugs Fused With Leather, Jade and More Wood Plugs & Tunnels

Limitless Custom Plugs

Elementals Evolved Custom Wooden Tunnels Made From Exotic Wood Elementals Evolved Exotic Wood

Stone Plugs and Stone Tunnels Stone Plugs & Tunnels

Silver Plugs and Silver Tunnels Silver Plugs & Tunnels

Acrylic Plugs and Tunnels in Crazy Cool Designs Acrylic Plugs & Tunnels

The types of earrings, plugs, tunnels, and other ear jewelry shown above are a small sampling of the options we have available. Whatever type of ear jewelry you need–whatever style, color, material, and size combination your heart desires–we have it! Shop for standard stud style post earrings, French hook earrings, plugs, tunnels, ear hangers, ear weights, other large gauge earrings, and much more in our Body Jewelry section.

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