Tell the world you’re sexy and you know it by sporting a hot girls’ tongue ring! When a woman who naturally exudes sexuality has her tongue pierced, it only serves to enhance her innate hotness. Tongue piercings are also the perfect way for a woman to level the playing field and show she can be just as sexy as any other girl.
We’re all for women getting sexy tongue piercings, which is why we offer a large selection of tongue rings for girls. Our ladies’ tongue rings are made from high-quality materials like 316L surgical stainless steel and solid titanium. We offer more length-gauge-material-style combinations than you’ll find anywhere else online, and an ever-growing selection of hot women’s tongue rings to complete your jewelry collection.
Sizing Info for Girls’ Tongue Rings
The most popular size for tongue rings is 14g with a 5/8″-long shaft, but tongue rings for girls come in a wide variety of lengths and gauges. We carry tongue rings with shafts ranging in length from 1/4″ to 2″. We also offer straight barbells in nearly every gauge imaginable, including 10g and 12g, which are the second and third most popular sizes for tongue rings.
When you first get your tongue pierced, your piercer will outfit you with a longer tongue barbell that will more comfortably accommodate your swollen tongue during the healing process. Starter barbells are often 1″ long, but you may be given a longer or shorter barbell based on the thickness of your tongue. Once your tongue piercing is fully healed, you should switch to a shorter tongue ring. If you’re not sure what size to get, you can measure your current barbell shaft (between the balls, excluding threading), get a new shaft that’s a fraction of an inch shorter, and see how it fits you, or you can ask your piercer to fit you for a new tongue ring that’s a more appropriate length for your mouth.
Whether you choose your new-sized tongue barbell yourself or ask your piercer to suggest the ideal length for your mouth, you should have your piercer help you change your tongue ring the first time. Until your fistula (hole where you were pierced) is better reinforced, it can be tricky to change your tongue ring yourself. Most piercers are happy to do jewelry changes for a small fee, which is sometimes waived if you purchase your new jewelry from your piercer. If you really want to try changing your tongue ring yourself, you may want to get a threaded taper to use to make the transition easier.
Stretching Your Tongue Piercing
If you were pierced with a standard 14g tongue ring, but you want to stretch your tongue piercing to accommodate larger jewelry, remember that slow and steady wins the stretching race. You should only increase your jewelry by one size at a time (e.g. 14g to 12g, 12g to 10g, etc.) rather than trying to jump multiple sizes at once. Use a taper in the same size as your new jewelry to ease it through your tongue, or ask your piercer to help you change your tongue ring to a larger sized one. Once your new tongue barbell is in place, wait 6-9 weeks before attempting another stretch.
Types of Tongue Rings for Girls
There are many styles of tongue rings for girls available. You can buy anything from a plain 316L surgical steel straight barbell to a vibrating tongue ring, and there are hundreds of options in between those two extremes. We offer steel tongue rings with acrylic balls in a wide variety of colors and patterns, picture logo tongue rings with fun phrases and images embedded in the top balls, 14k gold tongue rings, jeweled straight barbells, and many other styles. Check out some of our favorite tongue rings for girls below, or view our entire selection of Straight Barbells.
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Customizing Your Tongue Ring
It’s easy to customize your girls’ tongue ring by mixing and matching parts to create the ideal tongue ring for you. We carry a large selection of shafts in different lengths and gauges and a variety of threaded balls and other ends so you can find just the right combination of parts. There are just a few things you should keep in mind before you start shopping for custom tongue ring component parts:
- Many tongue rings are externally-threaded, but not all are. If you plan on just replacing the tops on your current barbell, figure out if it has internal or external threading first. You’ll then need to purchase complementary balls. If your barbell is externally-threaded, you’ll need balls with threaded holes bored into them. If your barbell is internally-threaded, you’ll need balls with posts sticking out of them.
- If you decide to switch your shaft to one in a larger gauge, consider purchasing our externally-threaded 8g, 10g, 12g or 14g shafts. All 4 sizes are compatible with standard 14g externally-threaded ends.
- To convert any externally-threaded 14g shaft to an internally-threaded one, pick up a couple of our converter pieces. Then you can pair any of our cool 14g tops with your new internally-threaded barbell!