While many are still loyal to the coil, rotary tattoo machines have skyrocketed in popularity. In the most basic terms, coil machines drive your needles using springs and electromagnetic currents, while rotary machines use a rotary motor to move the needles up and down. Consequently, rotaries are way quieter and create far less vibrations than the traditional coil machine.
While we’re all for the classic buzz and hit of a coil, there’s no denying that rotary machines have been shaking up the industry with game-changing features and tech. If you’re in the market for a rotary machine, you’ll want to read this blog to the end. We’ve rounded up a few of the best rotary tattoo machines on the market today.
Roundup: Rotary Tattoo Machines
FK Irons Flux Max
When it comes to wireless machines, the FK Irons Flux Max is undeniably one of the best on the market. For starters, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a pen with a battery more robust than the PowerBolt II. This battery pack gives you up to 10 hours of battery life, depending on your settings. The PowerBolt II also includes a clear display screen that lets you easily read your voltage and session time.
As far as performance, the Flux Max is an excellent option no matter what your style is. You can choose from three stroke lengths: 3.2mm, 4.0mm, or a whopping 4.5mm for all your boldest line work and color packing. So, yup, it’s powerful. And it’s also versatile and smooth to boot, intuitively adapting to the way you work. Plus, this machine gives adjustable eGive (which you can now control without having to log in to the darklab app). With a comfortable, forward-weighted design and the option to add additional PowerBolt battery packs, the Flux Max is ideal for even your longest sessions.
Spektra Edge X with Give
Looking for a daily driver that can tackle any technique? Enter another workhorse from FK Irons, the Spektra Edge X, a rotary tattoo machine that’s super adaptable. It has an adjustable stroke range of 2.8 to 4.2mm, but its versatility doesn’t stop there. Its unique design accepts both backstem style cartridges and screw-on style cartridges without the need for adapters. But the real kicker is the on-the-fly adjustable give.
Cheyenne Hawk Pen Unio
If you’re already a Cheyenne lover and this machine isn’t in your arsenal… it should be. The “Unio” in this pen’s name comes from its all-in-one nature. The Hawk Unio features an adjustable stroke that combines the best features of Cheyenne’s trademark machines—the shading power of the Hawk Spirit with the hard-hitting lining power of the Hawk Thunder. So, no project is a match for this versatile, practically vibration-free machine. Also, if you want to hop on the wireless bandwagon, the Hawk Pen Unio is compatible with the FK Irons 3.5mm Lighting Bolt battery pack.
InkJecta Flite X1
InkJecta machines are known for their distinctive, high-quality designs, making any InkJecta machine a welcome asset in your top drawer. If you’re an artist who likes all the bells and whistles and fully adjustable settings across all parameters, the InkJecta Flite X1 could be your new favorite machine. Its interchangeable cams and drive bars offer you a wide range of stroke lengths and give. Plus, you get a simple one-button operation for adjusting voltage; and when it comes to adjusting needle depth, it’s all motion-activated. and digital adjustments for needle depth. The adjustable needle depth also eliminates the need for other grips. The Flite X1 also comes with batteries, so you can skip purchasing a power supply as well, making the Flite X1 a surprisingly cost-effective way to get a machine that does it all.
Axys Valhalla
This is the machine for you if you like a sleek pen-style machine… and a ton of stroke lengths to choose from. The Axys Valhalla makes the list thanks to having just that: adjust your stroke on the fly from 2.5mm up to 4.2mm, so you can conquer anything from subtle detailing to rich colorpacking. This machine is also known for its powerful Swiss Maxon motor, comfortable design, and, most notably, an easy click system for adjusting the stroke on the fly… and the cool, Viking-themed name doesn’t hurt either. Another standout feature is the ease of cleaning the Valhalla. The seal around the plunger bar resists flow in both directions; the single rotation threads on the grip eliminate traditional dirt traps; and the overall smooth design doesn’t include any tough-to-clean sharp corners, making it easy to wipe down and sanitize.
Vlad Blad Avenger 2 Pro Hybrid Rotary
As a hybrid machine, The Vlad Blad Avenger 2 offers something most rotary machines can’t: the hit and give of a coil machine. So, if you’re a coil lover but thinking of dipping your toe into the rotary pool, this could be your gateway machine. The Avenger 2 Pro’s one-of-a-kind SkinResponse systems causes the needle to penetrate the skin just slightly longer than usual, creating a hit similar to a coil machine and allowing each hit to pack in more color. With 6 stroke length options and a powerful 10.5W motor, this machine is great all-in-one machine for anyone who loves the reliability of a rotary and the hit and give of a coil.
Stigma Rotary Spear 2.0
Straightforward, simple, and ergonomic, the Stigma Rotary Spear 2.0 is a solid choice as a daily driver. It’s versatile with an adjustable stroke from 2.5mm up to 4.2mm, and it’s a pretty hard hitter for a pen. The Stigma Rotary Spear 2.0 is also an artist favorite thanks to its easily its smooth performance with little to no vibrations. Another plus? It’s compatible with nearly any cartridge and configuration, so you can stick to your favorite brands.
Kwadron Equaliser Proton MX Rotary
Kwadron’s claim to fame is its razor-sharp, surgical steel needles, and they devote the same commitment to quality to their machines. The Kwadron Equaliser Proton MX is exceptionally smooth thanks to its unique gear system that all but eliminates vibrations. Its reliable 3.5mm stroke makes it suitable for most tattooing styles. At just under $350, it’s an affordable option for anyone looking for a lightweight, pen-style rotary machine.
Critical X Bishop Power Wands
While adjustable “all-in-one” machines are becoming more and more popular, the Critical X Bishop Power Wands lean into specialization. So, if you’re the kind of artist who likes a separate, dedicated machine for specific techniques, a Power Wand migh tbe for you. This line of machines features three separate wireless machines dedicated to shading, packing, or lining. Plus, say goodbye to wrist pain and hand fatigue when you choose one of these machines. They have one of the lightest weight designs available on the market. And when they’re used with the Critical short battery pack, they’re just 5.2oz, one of the lightest setups available.
Is a rotary tattoo machine right for you?
With so many options on the market, there’s a rotary machine out there for every style, from the intricate shading of realism to the bold, crispy lines of traditional work. Even die-hard coil machine fans are finding that it pays to have rotary machines around for some tasks.
This roundup gets you started with some great options to consider, but it barely scratches the surface of the awesome rotary machines on the market today. To get a real idea of what’s available and find the right machine for you, shop our full selection of the industry’s most popular, top-selling rotary machines today!
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