Intenze Bottles & Black Caps – 2015 Update | Painful Pleasures Community

Intenze Bottles & Black Caps – 2015 Update

In 2015, Intenze made the bold new move of introducing new bottles and black caps to enhance the tattoo artist experience when using Intenze Products. In addition to upgrading the bottles and caps, Intenze now offers a 12oz size in both Zuper Black and Intenze Cleanze.

by PainfulPleasures Last Updated: May 14, 2021

Intenze released new enhanced 1 oz., 2 oz., and 4 oz. bottles recently, which you will see from authorized dealers such as  The new bottle and cap are a medical grade PET plastic along with the cap. The following outline the changes made to the bottles:

  1. The new cap is air tight until it’s opened and features a double tamper-proof evident closure; one tamper proof seal at the base of the cap and one on the tip where you pour the ink. After testing the new seal, Intenze discovered the foil seal is not required with this new solution. The new cap is convenient; you no longer have to open the cap and pull the seal off of each bottle.  You can simply “crack” the tamper proof evident seal on the tip and start to use the bottle, then tightly close it when you’re done. You talked and Intenze listened.
  2. The new bottle is something Intenze did in response to artist’s feedback. Artists wanted something more squeezable to allow to pour their ink caps more precisely.

Email us and let us know how you feel about the new Intenze Bottle Caps.  Shop for all Intenze Products here.

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