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$4.99 $4.99 Pro Price

Jewelry Assembly Made Easy

Jewelry Assembly Made Easy

SKU: Jewelry-Assembly

$4.99 Pro Price
MSRP: $4.99

    • 1+ Units $4.99
    • 2+ Units $2.75
    • 5+ Units $2.49
    • 100+ Units $0.59
99997 available
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If you would like Painful Pleasures to assemble your jewelry, you can do so by checking out for this listing and inputting the jewelry you would like assembled into your customer notes.

There are endless options for your jewelry sometimes making it a little overwhelming to browse through all of the options. Painful Pleasures is making it easier for you. In the mean time if you have questions about what ends go with what shafts, you can read more about threading hereOpens a new window, or simply email usOpens a new window and ask us what you are thinking about doing.

The main groups of body jewelry are Bent BarbellsOpens a new window, Captive Bead RingsOpens a new window, Circular BarbellsOpens a new window, LabretsOpens a new window, Straight BarbellsOpens a new window, DermalsOpens a new window, and Surface BarbellsOpens a new window. For each piece of jewelry the main shaft, ring or anchor which is most often Stainless Steel, Titanium, Niobium, or sometimes Acrylic, and then either balls, gems, discs, or beads that can be changed on each piece.

Painful Pleasures makes jewelry assembly easy for you. Pick out different shaft, ring, or anchor, plus the balls, gems, discs, or beads and we will assemble the jewelry free of charge. Just be sure to check out for this listingOpens a new window and include the pieces of jewelry you would like assembled. You can visit our Jewelry Assembly Video PageOpens a new window to see all videos or view them here.

Belly Ring Charm & GaugeOpens a new window

Labret Shaft & TopOpens a new window

Straight Barbell Shaft & EndsOpens a new window

Circular Barbell EndsOpens a new window

Captive Bead RingOpens a new window

If you have any questions about jewelry assembly, don't hesitate to email usOpens a new window.

Product Weight: 0.0015 lb

Size Table

Standard Body Jewelry Measurements

The following webchart is a quick reference guide for standard body jewelry measurements and how to measure basic body jewelry. Please print this webchart to help measure your body jewelry accurately.

Standar Body Jewelry MeasurementsJPG (300 KB)

Visit our PainfulPleasures Infocenter for additional body jewelry information. There, you will find detailed articles on standard body jewelry sizes, how to measure body jewelry, basic body jewelry, and more.

Standard Body Jewelry Threading

Ensure compatibility between standard (non-custom) PainfulPleasures body jewelry parts using the tables below. More information on threading, including custom thread patterns, can be found in our Threading Infocenter article.

Internally threaded jewelry has a threaded post on the top and/or end, which is then inserted into a threaded hole in the barbell shaft.

Internal Thread Patterns by Gauge


18g, 16g

14g, 12g


Internal Thread Pattern

0.8mm or 0.9mm



Externally threaded jewelry has a threaded post on the barbell shaft, which is then inserted into a threaded hole in the top and/or end.

External Thread Patterns by Gauge


18g, 16g

14g, 12g, 10g

External Thread Pattern



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