Here, you will find laws, statutes, and regulations about tattoos and piercings according to your state.
Here you will find a comprehensive list of industry-related vegan brands and products, provided by Memphis Mori.
You should only use the Suspension Supplies we offer if you understand and know what you are doing. You can purchase Suspension Hooks here.
Proper surface piercing care is critical if you want your new or irritated piercing to heal well, and we have all the info you need right here. In this Surface Piercing Aftercare guide, we'll teach you how to keep your surface piercing clean, what you can and can't do during the healing process, what problems to watch out for, what you should do if you experience certain surface piercing problems, how to change your surface barbell tops, and more.
The Recovery Piercing Aftercare product line includes an assortment of tools that piercing collectors and enthusiasts can use to ensure that their new body piercings heal fully and well. These products can also be used to treat dry skin around established piercings, minimize piercing scars, address occasional piercing irritations, and more. Learn about the products in the Recovery Piercing Aftercare line, how they can benefit you, and how to use them to keep new and existing piercings happy and healthy.
Men and women alike have been piercing their ears for cosmetic and ritualistic purposes since time immemorial. When did people first start piercing their ears? What reasons have different cultures had for engaging in the ancient practice of ear piercing? How is it that ear piercings have remained one of the most popular types of body piercings throughout time? What types of ear piercings can you get today? We answer these questions and more in this History of Ear Piercings.
Nose piercing has been going on for over 4,000 years. Explore everything from the fundamentals to the origins of nose piercing in our History of Nose Piercings article.
As long as man has roamed the earth, we've continuously searched for new ways to enhance our physical appearances, express our individuality, mark milestones, celebrate life achievements, commemorate loved ones lost, heal our minds and bodies, and grow spiritually. All of these factors and more have compelled people to modify themselves in a variety of ways since time immemorial. Some of the earliest forms of body modification included body piercings, tattoos and scarification designs. Learn more about the history of each of these body modification forms and others in this article.
Marketing your tattoo and piercing shop has never been easier, thanks to Limitless custom products. We offer custom business cards, flyers, signs, displays, brochures, stickers, magnets, stationary, customizable merchandise you can sell in your shop, and more, all featuring your art. Read this article to learn about the custom products available in our Print & Design Center and how you can use them to market your tattoo and piercing shop in your community and at conventions.
If you're thinking about getting an oral web piercing, it's important to brush up on proper web piercing aftercare and perform it regularly so your smiley, frowney or tongue web piercing heals well. In this Oral Web Piercing Care guide, you can learn about the benefits and drawbacks of oral web piercings, how to perform proper oral web piercing aftercare, what types of piercing problems may arise and how to deal with them, when to change your jewelry, what type of jewelry works best in oral web piercings, and more.
If you're thinking about getting a septum piercing or have recently gotten one, it's important to brush up on proper septum piercing aftercare to ensure that your piercing heals well and stays with you for as many years as you want to keep it. Our Septum Piercing Aftercare guide will teach you all the things you should and shouldn't do while your septum piercing heals, how to clean it, what types of septum piercing problems may arise and how to handle them, when to change your jewelry, how to stretch a healed septum piercing, and more.
This Dermal Piercing Aftercare guide will teach you everything you need to know about new dermals to ensure that yours heal well. Learn what you should and shouldn't do during the dermal piercing healing process, how to properly clean and care for your new dermals, what potential problems you may encounter and how to handle each, when and how to change your dermal tops, and other important tips for new dermal piercings. In case you're still in the research/planning stage and haven't yet had your new dermals inserted, we also discuss what you should know before you get pierced.
Whether you're a man or woman, if you've just gotten a new genital piercing or are considering getting one, it's important to brush up proper genital piercing aftercare to ensure that your piercing heals well and lasts for as many years as you want to keep it. In this guide, we talk about what you should and shouldn't do during the genital piercing healing process, including how to properly clean your genital piercing, how to identify potential problems, and what to do if you experience an issue with your new genital piercing.
Not sure what size gloves you need for your next procedure? This glove size chart will help you find the size you need for a proper fit.
Different types of piercings require different techniques. Sensitive areas may require receiving tubes or corks to protect the skin behind the area being pierced. Surface piercings sometimes require scalpel cuts to place surface barbells at the right depth. Dermal piercings work best with dermal punches. These are just a few examples of the different piercing techniques you may need to utilize when piercing clients. Learn more in this article.
Considering getting your nipples pierced? Learn all about what to expect and how to care for new nipple piercings in this comprehensive article.
Whether you're an experienced piercer or someone just beginning to explore the world of body piercings and other body mods, you're sure to learn something new in this piercing glossary. It's filled with common piercing terms and definitions ranging from explanations of what different piercing tools are used for to piercing safety terms to types of body piercings and beyond. We've also included a few definitions related to extreme body mods that some piercers perform, like scarification, branding and human suspension. View definitions sorted alphabetically.
If you're considering getting cheek/dimple piercings, there are a few things you should know in advance. Cheek piercings can be risky if not performed properly by a pro piercer, so this is one type of piercing you don't want to rush into getting. Carefully research piercers and pick one who's experienced with cheek piercings. Brush up on proper dimple piercing aftercare, and learn how to spot and address problems quickly to ensure your new piercings heal well. It may sound like a lot of work for just a pair of piercings, but fortunately we have all the cheek piercing info you need.
Proper skin prep is an important part of the body modification process. It eliminates any bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms clinging to a client's skin so that they aren't pushed beneath the dermis and given easy access to a person's bloodstream, where they could wreak havoc on your client's immune system. By properly cleaning a person's skin before modifying them, you're preserving your client's health and protecting yourself from potential legal recourse. Learn the best skin prep methods for tattooing, piercing and scarification in this article.
Practicing proper oral piercing aftercare is incredibly important if you want your new cheek, lip, web, or tongue piercing to heal fully and well. Learn about the things you should know before getting an oral piercing or a facial piercing that extends into the mouth, how to care for your new facial/oral piercing, potential oral piercing problems and how to handle them, and more in this Oral Piercing Aftercare article.
Men have many options when it comes to body piercings. They can get their earlobes, cartilage, septums, lips, eyebrows, tongues, nipples, and many other body parts pierced, including their genitals. That's the one area where male piercings are dramatically different from female piercing options. In this article, we take an in-depth look at the male piercings you're curious to learn more about and give you all the info you need to decide which type of male genital piercings might be best for you.
Here you will find the MSDS for Recovery Aftercare Sea Salt from the Dead Sea.
Women have so many options when it comes to piercings. They can choose from popular options like ear piercings, facial piercings, oral piercings, surface piercings, and dermal piercings, as well as nipple piercings and a variety of female genital piercings that are completely unique to women. Learn all about piercing options exclusively for women in this article.
Precision is a Painful Pleasures product line that offers high-quality piercing supplies at affordable prices so that you can maximize profits from every piercing you perform. Our Precision piercing supplies include everything from piercing needles to piercing medical supplies and beyond. Learn more about our Precision piercing line and the many low-priced piercing tools available to you in this article.
Making the move to become a professional piercer is a serious decision. There's a lot of work and training involved, and it's important to understand how choosing this profession can impact your personal life and finances. We discuss the ins and outs of pursuing piercing as a profession, walk you through the process from how to find a piercing apprenticeship to building your piercing toolkit, and guide you on finding a job and promoting yourself once you're certified and licensed. We'll also point you to other helpful educational piercing resources in this article.
If you're thinking about getting an eyebrow piercing, but you aren't sure what style of jewelry would be best or you don't know anything about proper eyebrow piercing aftercare, no sweat! We'll cover these topics and more in these Eyebrow Piercing FAQs, like what gauge to start with, how to identify and deal with any post-piercing problems that arise, the coolest eyebrow rings on the market, and more.
In our Ear Stretching FAQs, learn about the history of stretching, get answers to commonly asked questions, and shop now for stretched piercing body jewelry.
Whether you're a parent of a child who wants to get pierced or a piercing artist trying to follow the rules, it's important to know your state's laws regarding piercing minors. To help you gain a better understanding of your state's regulations, we've put together a chart of rules for piercing minors by state. We've also included details about the legal repercussions of unlawfully piercing a minor where applicable.
When an abnormal bump appears around a piercing, people frequently jump to the conclusion that they're developing a keloid scar, but keloids are actually one of the most uncommon types of body piercing scars. In this article, we discuss the different types of piercing scars and other issues that can be mistaken for scarring, how to identify the type of bump around your current or retired piercing, and what to do about it whether it's a hypertrophic scar, an atrophic scar, a keloid, or just an irritation.
Each time you finish a tattoo or piercing, it's important to clean your workspace thoroughly and properly prepare for your next client. In this article, we talk about the four main steps in this clean-up and prep process that will ensure you're ready to do the next modification on your schedule: properly disposing of used supplies, cleaning surfaces in your workspace, cleaning and sterilizing your reusable tools, and prepping your workspace for your next body mod.
People around the world have been piercing their bodies to adorn themselves with jewelry since ancient times. It's become a time-honored tradition--so much so that even infant girls have their ears pierced today. It's impossible to deny how deeply piercing permeates our culture and how many people have piercings now, but are they all socially acceptable? Read on to learn about public perception of different aspects and types of piercings today and the future of body piercing.
Did you know that there are 3 primary types of medical tape used in tattoo and piercing shops? Learn what these 3 types are, what sets them apart from each other, and how they're used in the body modification process to maintain a safe, sterile work environment and bandage clients; new mods before they head home.
Needle play may range from manipulation or stimulation of permanent piercings to insertion of play piercing needles in cool patterns to electronic stimulation of play piercing needles placed through folds of skin all over the body. Learn how to engage in needle play safely and about the various play piercing options you can explore in our <em>Guide to Needle Play</em>.
If you're interested in getting a lip piercing but you're not sure where to go, or you're looking for lip piercing aftercare tips, check out these helpful frequently asked questions and answers about lip piercings. We cover everything from how to turn a captive ring into a fake lip ring to stretching your lip piercing, where to find cool lip rings, and much more.
What is a web piercing? How many types of web piercing are there? Are there any tongue web piercing risks? What's the proper term for a web piercing? What types of jewelry can be worn in a web piercing? How intense is tongue web piercing pain? What's the standard tongue web piercing healing time? Are some web piercings more discreet than others? We answer these questions and more in our Web Piercing FAQs.
Thinking about getting a dermal piercing? If so, then this dermal piercing debrief will tell you everything you need to know before and after getting pierced! Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of microdermal piercings, your dermal anchor options, the dermal piercing healing process, how to change a dermal top, what types of dermal tops are available, and more.
Thinking about having your cheeks pierced? If so, there are a few things you should know first. For instance, an improperly-placed cheek piercing can damage the parotid duct and permanently affect your saliva flow, so it's extremely important to have an experienced piercer do this piercing for you. Learn more about cheek piercings in our <em>Cheek Piercing FAQs</em>, including what kind of jewelry is best for cheek piercings and how to care for your new cheek piercings.
Whether you already have a belly button piercing or you're considering having one done, our FAQs address any questions or concerns you may have.
If you've been thinking about having your nipples pierced, but you have questions you want answered first, we have the info you need to get comfortable with this popular type of piercing. Learn about the piercing process, the best starting gauge and jewelry for nipple piercings, whether or not you can get pierced if you have inverted nipples, and much more.
Deciding to open your own piercing shop is a big step in your professional piercing career. Start out on the right foot by stocking your shop with all the tools, body jewelry, piercing supplies, disposables, and medical supplies needed to open your doors and see clients. Our <em>Essential Supplies for Starting a Piercing Shop</em> will guide you on everything you should include in your first piercing supplies order.
Congratulations! You've finished your piercing apprenticeship and are ready to start your career as a professional piercer. What do you need to get started? What essential tools, piercing needles and body jewelry should you purchase so you're prepared to handle standard piercings? We guide you on building your basic piercing supply toolkit in this article, <em>The New Piercer's Guide to Getting Started</em>.
Piercing safely means looking out for your clients' health and well being, and it also means protecting yourself and your staff both physically and legally. We talk about business licenses, handling intoxicated clients, piercing and minors, what products and tools to use to keep your shop clean and sterile, and everything else you need to keep in mind for your clients' and your safety.
Learn all about standard starter jewelry sizes by body piercing type.
Learn all about ear piercings, aftercare treatments, starter body jewelry, and more in our About Ear Piercings FAQs.
Ear piercings have made prominent appearances throughout history, dating back 5,000 years or more. Ear piercings are mentioned in the Bible. Stretched lobes were found on a 5,000-year-old mummy. In the middle ages, it was fashionable for Frenchmen and Spaniards to wear a single earring. Pirates throughout history have been depicted with earrings. Most African tribes incorporate ear piercings into coming-of-age rituals. Roughly 83% of people in the western world have their ears pierced, which means that ear piercings are here to stay! Learn more about earlobe piercings and cartilage piercings, the ear piercing process, how to heal a piercing, and more in our <em>Earlobe Piercings and Cartilage Piercings</em> article.
Our Tongue Piercing FAQs answer the most common questions people have about tongue piercings, like how much tongue piercings cost, where to get a tongue piercing, what's involved with tongue piercing aftercare, what tongue piercing options exist, how to stretch a pierced tongue, and other tongue piercing information. We've also included tongue piercing photos to illustrate the different types of tongue piercings and the wide assortment of tongue rings and other tongue piercing supplies available through Painful Pleasures.
Some of the most popular types of piercings people get now are surface and dermal piercings. But why? Are dermal, microdermal and surface piercing all names for the same type of piercing, or are they actually different piercings? If they aren't the same, then what makes them different from each other? Can I get a surface or dermal piercing anywhere on my body? Aren’t dermals and surface piercings highly prone to rejection? Read on for the answers to these questions and more.
Female and male genital piercings are really popular these days. Why? They’re sexy! Plus, many genital piercings provide sexual pleasure…but which ones? And who benefits more, men or women? How many types of genital piercings are there? What's the aftercare regime? How long do you have to wait to have sex again? There are so many questions when it comes to genital piercings! Fortunately we’re here to walk you through the basics.
If you want a new piercing and are looking for a reliable professional piercer to do it, our tips for choosing a piercer are sure to help. We cover the key things to look for when you're scoping out piercers in your area, like portfolios that include pictures of new <i>and</i> healed piercings, and clean shops that include all the right tools to help you know you'll be in good hands.
The Association of Professional Piercers developed this guide to help you choose the best piercing artist to do your first--or next--piercing. Learn what to look for in a prospective piercer's shop so that you'll know you're in good hands.
This article includes a sample Body Piercing Release Form that you can use as a template to build one for your business. Please note that you should consult with local counsel before using this release form or any derivative of it.
It's important to properly clean, sterilize and lubricate tattoo and piercing tools so that they last over time, as well as to protect your clients. Tools that have been improperly cared for may cause a client to develop infection or even tetanus. It's even possible to transmit blood-borne diseases between clients if you don't clean and sterilize your instruments in between each modification you perform. Learn the best way to care for your tools in our Proper Tattoo & Piercing Tool Maintenance article.
Dermal (or biopsy) punches are surgical instruments that are becoming more and more accepted in the body modification community. While not every body part needs to be dermal punched (in fact, we recommend the use of piercing needles for most piercings), if a large gauge piercing is desired in the cartilage of the ear, dermal punches can’t be beat! This article outlines how to properly use a dermal punch.
Pregnant and pierced? Don't feel like you have to remove your belly button ring. We have all the tools and body jewelry you need for a healthy pregnancy with a pierced navel.
Unfortunately, sometimes a new piercing comes with new problems, like an unexpected metal allergy or an infection. our "good piercings gone bad" piercing pictures and tips will help you identify the issue you're having so you know the most appropriate next steps to take to solve the problem and get your piercing back on the path to healing.
Body piercings are more accepted now than ever before, but there are still times when you need to make a piercing or two more discreet. Maybe you're visiting grandma and don't want to offend her with your new nose ring, or maybe you're worried your lip ring might jeopardize an upcoming job interview. You could even be looking for a non-metal alternative to hold your piercings open while you have a medical procedure. Whatever the case, we have the perfect piercing retainer recommendations for you!
New piercings often come with lots of questions. Even if you're a piercing veteran, occasionally a new problem crops up that you need guidance to address. Our New Body Piercing FAQs cover the basics, from what you need to do to avoid infection to when it's safe to change your jewelry, what the best type of jewelry for your piercing is to what to do if you don't find the answer to your question here.
Learn brief histories on some of the most popular piercings you can get. Explore the piercing traditions of Ancient Rome, indigenous tribes, and pop culture artists.
Our comprehensive list of types of piercings is a great reference when you're contemplating your next piercing project. We've included an ear piercing diagram with details about each type of ear piercing, a list of lip piercing options, explanations of each type of male and female genital piercing, and other types of piercings.
We have piercing videos you can watch on our site, on our YouTube channel, or on your home TV! Our online piercing videos will show you how to use our piercing tools, the methods used to do a variety of different piercings and more, and our instructional piercing DVDs will help you learn new piercing techniques.
Over 15 years ago, Painful Pleasures was founded with the goal of providing piercers and other body modification artists the tools they need to practice their trades. We're proud to offer one of the world's best selections of wholesale piercing supplies, so you can shop for everything you need for your business at one convenient online destination and have your piercing supplies delivered right to your door.
Lip piercings have been historically common in many African tribes and South American cultures. The jewelry worn in such lip piercings ranges from rings to decorative lip plates that are typically worn in the lower lip. Lip piercings, like many other types of body mods, have become increasingly popular in mainstream culture over the past couple decades.
Whether you're about to get your nipples pierced or already have pierced nipples, we have some basic nipple piercing tips and info that you're sure to find useful. In our <em>Basic Nipple Piercing Info</em> article, we cover aftercare, what to do if a problem arises, how to navigate our awesome selection of nipple piercing jewelry, dealing with piercing retainers, and where to find other great resources like how to put on a drop-down nipple shield vs. a circular one.
Our Nipple Piercing Resources page provides links to everything nipple piercing-related, including where to find different types of nipple rings in our store, our Nipple Piercing FAQs, male and female nipple piercing pictures in our Body Mod Photo Gallery, and other helpful nipple piercing information.
Learn what's involved with getting a belly button piercing, how to care for your new belly piercing, how to spot a developing infection, and where to get gorgeous belly button rings in our The Belly Button Piercing & Healing Process article. We cover the basics of navel piercing, talk about how to care for your healing belly button piercing, point you to belly button piercing pictures, show you where to shop for the hottest belly rings on the market once your belly piercing has healed, and more.
Learn more about Painful Pleasures' Videos section and YouTube channel, where you'll find tongue piercing videos, tattoo videos, Painful Pleasures' product demos, suspension videos, movies recorded by our sponsored artists, and other cool body mod videos.
If you just got a tongue piercing or are preparing to get one and want to brush up on tongue piercing aftercare to ensure that your piercing heals perfectly, you'll find all the tongue piercing care tips you need right here. We break down the dos and don'ts of tongue piercing aftercare, point you to helpful tongue piercing aftercare products, and tell you what to do if you experience any problems with your tongue piercing healing properly in this helpful Tongue Piercing Care article.
Learn what to do if you think you have a tongue piercing infection, as well as what steps to take to prevent infection from negatively impacting your new tongue piercing with our "Worried You May Have an Infected Tongue Piercing?" article. We cover common issues often mistaken for infection, proper tongue piercing aftercare and what to do if you really do have a tongue piercing infection.
Our "About Tongue Piercings" article contains helpful information about tongue piercings, including what they are, how a tongue piercing can affect you if it goes wrong, proper tongue piercing aftercare, and tongue piercing barbells.
It’s almost here. Our ultimate Black Friday sale event — and we’re going harder than we’ve ever gone before. Brace yourself for the steepest discounts you’ve ever seen on artist-favorite brands. Now’s the time to get your wish list together. As the countdown begins, set an alarm for midnight on November 22nd. That’s when our […]
Enter our APOF-sponsored Battle of the Hands contest for your chance to win $2,500!
Our Blowout Clearance Sale has arrived for the first time ever! Check out our top 9 favorites.
Tattoo on the high seas by stepping aboard the Scarlet Lady. Learn more about Squid Ink, the first-ever tattoo studio on a ship by Virgin Voyages.
Meet 6 LGBTQ tattoo artists who are using their platforms to help the industry grow. Learn more to close out Pride month!
Let's find the best black tattoo ink for you. Learn more about the top 5 best black inks for lining, shading, and more.
Great news: tattoo conventions are making a comeback in 2021! Learn more and check out our interview with Troy Timpel.
If you’re opening a tattoo shop, you should find gloves you like. Learn the factors you should take into consideration when choosing tattoo gloves.
Investing in quality tattoo supplies will keep you and your clients comfortable and safe. Check out the top tattoo supplies that are essential for your shop.